Conversion Factor  

Volume coversions

Airfreight 1 Kilo = 6000 cubic centimetres
Oceanfreight 1000 kilos = 1 cubic metre
Road transport 333 kilos = 1 cubic metre

Cargo Conversions

Airfreight 250 Kilo pallet, 120x100x150cms = 1,800,000 cubic centimetres
divided by 6000 = 300 kilos chargeable weight

Oceanfreight 250 Kilo pallet, 120x100x150cms = 1.8 cubic metres
multiplied by 1000 =1800 kilos chargeable weight

Road freight 250 Kilo pallet, 120x100x150cms = 1.8 cubic metres
multiplied by 333 =600 kilos chargeable weight

To Convert To Multiply by
Cubic Feet Cubic Meters 0.028317
Cubic Meters Cubic Feet 35.3145
Pounds Kilograms 0.4536
Kilograms Pounds 2.2046
Centimetres Inches 0.3937
Inches Centimetres 2.54